Category: Virtue
From Near-Death to New Life: A Tale of Love and Friendship
My 40th birthday party didn’t start the way I was hoping it to. It certainly didn’t end well— unless you really like hospitals. But I still had a fantastic time and ended feeling loved and cared for like never before. This is the story of how friendship is everything. When we turned 18, my one-week-senior…
Yes, Men Are Still Needed As Protectors
In the past, I argued that the model of masculinity which requires men to protect and provide is outdated and defunct. I now think I was wrong. A better way to put this would be: what we should provide and protect from has changed. Moreover, it’s not just men who can or should be doing…
The Same Tired Points, Again And Again
I often have to make the same basic points in discussions. I’m putting them down here and in future, I’ll simply link to the relevant one. As I write a lot about gender, that’s the examples I’ll be giving, but the points are more generally applicable. Reading the whole thing in one go will sound…
The Real Reason Why ‘Nice Guys’ Finish Last
People tend to conflate being nice with being a doormat. These are not the same and a solution to people treating you like a doormat is not to stop being nice. It’s to develop some healthy self-respect. A few months ago, I met this girl on Feeld. Normally, I’m not much for using dating apps…
What it is like to feel (K)enough
Hey all, I’m branching out! I decided to try this video thing people are raving about. I’m still traveling, so can’t really do proper video essays, but then again, travels are educational and what better time to share what I learn than right here, right now. Today, I am feeling really enough. Kenough, even, like…
Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology
You know how when somebody else is late, they’re a horrible person, but when you’re late, there’s always a good reason for it? The psychological mechanism behind that attitude is at the roots of many disagreements about gender. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid it. Late, but useful I always find it endearing when psychologists…
How Logic Can Help You Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments
We need to end the patriarchy and the discrimination of women now! Are you kidding me? Feminism has gone too far, it’s men who are discriminated against now, men are the victims! Men are the victims?! What complete nonsense! It’s women who are being harmed! No, men! No, women! No, men! … How many such…
Courage in the modern world
Courage is one of the most ancient male virtues. It played a pivotal role for Homer and was central for the Philosopher Kings ruling Plato’s Just City, while Aristotle made it a paradigm virtue in his Nikomachean Ethics. They called it ἀνδρεία (andreia): literally, ‘manliness’. Nearly two and a half thousand years later, much of…
Consent Is Not Easy
The Mess We Call ‘Desire’ In my little Berlin community, sex positivity, polyamory, and kink are the norm. Just last weekend, we hosted some 30 friends for an all-night sex party which got rather wild rather quickly, with the last foursome of the night finishing around 9 am. And you know what? No drama. Whatsoever. The…