Category: Love, Sex and Dating

  • The Right Way To Think About ‘Body Counts’ Is About Courage

    The Right Way To Think About ‘Body Counts’ Is About Courage

    I wrote a text about this before. I still hate the phrase ‘body counts’ but I saw the replies and they made me think that I should approach the subject differently — with more understanding and guidance. Let’s talk about solutions and being better men. Let’s talk about courage. Let’s talk about what’s right for…

  • Why Do Men Care About ‘Body Counts’ So Much?

    Why Do Men Care About ‘Body Counts’ So Much?

    I hate this term. I’d rather talk about being more sexually experienced or having had many lovers. Many men have very strong feelings about dating women who have had sex with more than a handful of guys. They can have preferences, for sure, but what do those preferences say about them? Is this a good…

  • The Relationship Deal Is Off, Guys. It’s Time We Forge A New One.

    The Relationship Deal Is Off, Guys. It’s Time We Forge A New One.

    For millennia, most men and women operated based on a reciprocal deal: men satisfied women’s basic needs and women satisfied men’s psychological needs. As the world has changed, fewer women need or want this deal, leaving men in a void. Now, men need to find a way forward. Here is how. In 1969, somebody graffitied…

  • The Gender Sex Drive Gap And What To Do About It

    The Gender Sex Drive Gap And What To Do About It

    Are there innate gender differences which continue to determine our sex drives or is sex drive a social construct that can be changed as societies, cultures, and technologies change? As with all the nature-nurture debates, the answer is: yes. As in: both. D’uh. But there is some interesting science involved that you should hear about.…

  • The Real Reason Why ‘Nice Guys’ Finish Last

    The Real Reason Why ‘Nice Guys’ Finish Last

    People tend to conflate being nice with being a doormat. These are not the same and a solution to people treating you like a doormat is not to stop being nice. It’s to develop some healthy self-respect. A few months ago, I met this girl on Feeld. Normally, I’m not much for using dating apps…

  • The Shades of Rejection: Friend-Zoning, Sex-Zoning, and So Much More

    The Shades of Rejection: Friend-Zoning, Sex-Zoning, and So Much More

    Rejection is more complex than you think, but thinking about it in a more nuanced way will help you process it better My Ex-Lover I used to have a great lover. She was hot, fiercely smart, and joyfully adventurous. This one time, we were horny on the way to a party, so another lover lent me…

  • How Do Men Stop Being Needed and Start Being Wanted

    How Do Men Stop Being Needed and Start Being Wanted

    Women no longer need men. If guys want to find a partner, they must focus on being wanted. But they also can’t desperately need women, as this only reverses the dynamic. Instead, we should seek balance and use becoming wanted as an opportunity to grow. Let’s start with a metaphor A few years ago I moved…

  • Do Guys Want Sex, or What?

    Do Guys Want Sex, or What?

    Can ancient philosophy help you deal with feeling unwanted, undesired and deeply sexually frustrated? Men crave validation, acceptance, and comfort, we want to feel wanted and visible. But the main way we have been taught to get all of that is through sex. That’s not always healthy or useful. We should follow Socrates’ advice and really…

  • Consent Is Not Easy

    Consent Is Not Easy

    The Mess We Call ‘Desire’ In my little Berlin community, sex positivity, polyamory, and kink are the norm. Just last weekend, we hosted some 30 friends for an all-night sex party which got rather wild rather quickly, with the last foursome of the night finishing around 9 am. And you know what? No drama. Whatsoever. The…

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