Category: Equality

  • Men’s True Stories — How One Feminist Helps Men Help Men

    Men’s True Stories — How One Feminist Helps Men Help Men

    I am now more active in the professional side of the gender discourse, getting into dialogue with people who work for NGOs and organisations which promote healthy masculinities and men’s stories. Honestly, it’s a world which makes me want to sing with joy. I’ll give you one example. Last week, I went to a webinar…

  • #NotAllWomen, Or Have You Heard Of Selection Bias?

    #NotAllWomen, Or Have You Heard Of Selection Bias?


    What’s the heaviest weapon to roll out against self-styled ‘experts’ in dating? Statistics. I keep coming across texts by various guys who style themselves experts on dating and relationships and honestly, I can’t stop laughing. And it’s not even because they’re so often wrong. It’s because of how confidently they decree what The Nature Of…

  • The Two Ways We Approach Men’s Problems Are Both Wrong

    The Two Ways We Approach Men’s Problems Are Both Wrong

    But there is a third and we should really start following it now. There is one thing that the most hardcore progressives and most conservative manosphere gurus agree on: their response to a man who comes out to talk about the problems he struggles with. About his loneliness, about feeling useless, feeling like everyone and everything…

  • Getting People on Board with Gender Equality

    Getting People on Board with Gender Equality


    All is not good in the world of gender equality. Around the globe, reactionary movements are gaining ground, misogynist influencers are topping online searches, and identity politics, feminism and gender studies are increasingly seen as tiresome, annoying, and out of touch. Whatever the proponents of equality are doing, it doesn’t work. Perhaps it did work…

  • Men’s Problems Are Real Problems

    Men’s Problems Are Real Problems

    There is a worrying trend of denying that the problems men struggle with exist or are important. Loneliness, sexual frustration, confusion over what is appropriate, pressures to conform, difficulties in dealing with emotions, are all routinely trivialised and dismissed. Doing so is not helpful and only creates more distrust, hurt feelings, and unwillingness to improve. We need to admit…

  • Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology

    Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology

    You know how when somebody else is late, they’re a horrible person, but when you’re late, there’s always a good reason for it? The psychological mechanism behind that attitude is at the roots of many disagreements about gender. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid it. Late, but useful I always find it endearing when psychologists…

  • How Logic Can Help You Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments

    How Logic Can Help You Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments

    We need to end the patriarchy and the discrimination of women now! Are you kidding me? Feminism has gone too far, it’s men who are discriminated against now, men are the victims! Men are the victims?! What complete nonsense! It’s women who are being harmed! No, men! No, women! No, men! … How many such…

  • Dear progressives, can we please treat all men like criminals?

    Dear progressives, can we please treat all men like criminals?

    Men are not toxic by default, just like there are no natural-born criminals. But we all do some things wrong and should try to be better. A bit more understanding of the structural challenges we face would go a long way in helping us do that. My hood The area of Berlin, where I live…

  • Feminism Has a PR Problem

    Feminism Has a PR Problem


    Earlier this year YouGov ran an international poll on feminism. The shocking discovery was that in select Western democracies only about a third of people of all genders said they identify as feminists, ranging from 15% in Germany to 48% in Spain. Then, they took the dictionary definition of feminism and asked: do you think that men…

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