Category: Masculinity

  • The Manly Stuff You Don’t Like, Guys?

    The Manly Stuff You Don’t Like, Guys?

    There’s a whole list of things men are supposed to do, or be, or like and dislike, and so on. The stuff real men are into, that which they should never escape from, and that which they’d never do.  In some circles, you can fail to satisfy one of the points from the ‘manly’ list,…

  • Most Men Are Actually Pretty Nice People, Even On The Internet

    Most Men Are Actually Pretty Nice People, Even On The Internet

    How often to you hear that men are horrible, sexist, entitled, misogynist, and generally the worst of the worst? And men on the Internet? OMG, don’t even get me started, they are literally the cesspit of humanity spewing constant regressive hatred out of their tailpipes! Well, I’m here to lighten your day a little and…

  • Does Anybody Care About Men’s Problems?

    Does Anybody Care About Men’s Problems?

    Some men are suffering. Some are weak and can’t find their place in the modern world. Many need help. But is there anyone who actually wants to offer them help?  Recently, I decided to make a move away from writing and establish a presence on YouTube and various social media. This journey has been pretty…

  • Madness Café Interview!

    Madness Café Interview!

    I am honoured to have been invited by Raquel Howard and Jennifer Moorman Bolanos to their great podcast, the Madness Café. It’s doubly important to me, as I’m one of only a few men to appear on it. We talk about a number of topics, including the problems men experience in the modern world, the…

  • Men’s Problems Are Real Problems

    Men’s Problems Are Real Problems

    There is a worrying trend of denying that the problems men struggle with exist or are important. Loneliness, sexual frustration, confusion over what is appropriate, pressures to conform, difficulties in dealing with emotions, are all routinely trivialised and dismissed. Doing so is not helpful and only creates more distrust, hurt feelings, and unwillingness to improve. We need to admit…

  • Guys, go see Barbie but watch Ken

    Guys, go see Barbie but watch Ken

    Everybody is raving about how woke and feminist the Barbie movie is and either loves it or hates it. I can see why, but I think few people pay enough attention to a very positive and powerful message it holds for men: You Are Kenough Yeah, I know the movie has been out for ages. What…

  • Don’t Trust the Old Man’s Map, or What’s Up with Jordan Peterson?

    Don’t Trust the Old Man’s Map, or What’s Up with Jordan Peterson?

    Jordan Peterson describes the modern world as chaotic and claims to offer you a map that will help you safely navigate through it. But as the world changes, maps go out of date and lead you astray. And since the Chaos is not going away, it’s time you stop fearing it and learn to surf…

  • Do Guys Want Sex, or What?

    Do Guys Want Sex, or What?

    Can ancient philosophy help you deal with feeling unwanted, undesired and deeply sexually frustrated? Men crave validation, acceptance, and comfort, we want to feel wanted and visible. But the main way we have been taught to get all of that is through sex. That’s not always healthy or useful. We should follow Socrates’ advice and really…

  • The Five Stages of Men’s Grief

    The Five Stages of Men’s Grief

    The psychological model of the stages of grief is used to better understand how people experience loss or change and to explain their often difficult behaviour. I think we should apply it to how men experience and react to the modern changing world. Some background Back in the 1960s, a Swiss-American psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was…

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