Author: admin

  • How to Compliment a Woman

    How to Compliment a Woman

    This International Women’s Day: A short guide for guys who are confused and don’t want to do anything creepy. Romance is dead. Flirting and chatting people up on the street is just creepy. You can’t even open your mouth next to a woman these days, because everything you say is sexual harassment. I hear guys say those…

  • The Dark Side of Gender Equality

    The Dark Side of Gender Equality

    Women have proven they’re capable of doing anything a man can do. Which turns out to not always be a good thing. I was brought up in a conservative, Catholic country and absorbed a whole lot of misogynist narratives. There were the usual suspects: boys don’t cry, girls can’t do maths, guys sleeping around is cool…

  • On Being Desired

    On Being Desired

    Basking in the flames It’s party night. I just know this one is going to be awesome. A handpicked crowd of weirdos and misfits, a massive flat with themed rooms, a bunch of art performances… I took Monday off. I’m pretty hyped and feel like making an effort for this one. Just as well that…

  • What’s Wrong With Watching Porn?

    What’s Wrong With Watching Porn?

    The problem with porn, of course, is not whether we should enjoy it or not. The problem is that many people can’t really tell porn sex from real sex and try to transplant what they see on the screen into their lives.

  • What is it like to date a feminist

    What is it like to date a feminist

    When I set off to write this text, I asked my partner what she considers to be the most feminist thing she does. She thought for a while, gave a couple of loose examples, and then got frustrated with me for wasting her time and left the room to do her own thing. To be…

  • Guilty until proven innocent

    Guilty until proven innocent

    I remember the first time somebody told me that when I walk down the street at night and there is a woman walking in front of me, I should cross to the other side so she doesn’t feel threatened. I don’t think I understood it at first. Why? What have I done? Have I become…

  • Are Men Emotionally Immature?

    Are Men Emotionally Immature?

    For a host of very bad reasons, we spent a very long time denying that women are equally capable of doing math as men. Some very smart people would justify this: after all, women are the emotional ones who can’t fathom the rational workings of a male mind. They would even present empirical proofs: Behold…

  • Short On Sex

    Short On Sex

    I admit it, I haven’t been my best self when I’m sex starved. I have been irritable. I have been passive-aggressive. I have said things that made my partner feel inadequate, and I have done it in the full awareness of the fact that this not only hurts her, but also makes my problem worse:…

  • Men: Our Hard Shells and Our Soft Bellies

    Men: Our Hard Shells and Our Soft Bellies

    I should be more vulnerable, they say. I should learn to express my feelings and be comfortable with having a wider variety of emotions than just anger. I should drop my gruff guard, let people in, and really connect with them on a deep level. I should open up about my problems and communicate them…

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