Category: Equality

  • Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology

    Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology

    You know how when somebody else is late, they’re a horrible person, but when you’re late, there’s always a good reason for it? The psychological mechanism behind that attitude is at the roots of many disagreements about gender. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid it. Late, but useful I always find it endearing when psychologists…

  • How Logic Can Help You Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments

    How Logic Can Help You Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments

    We need to end the patriarchy and the discrimination of women now! Are you kidding me? Feminism has gone too far, it’s men who are discriminated against now, men are the victims! Men are the victims?! What complete nonsense! It’s women who are being harmed! No, men! No, women! No, men! … How many such…

  • Dear progressives, can we please treat all men like criminals?

    Dear progressives, can we please treat all men like criminals?

    Men are not toxic by default, just like there are no natural-born criminals. But we all do some things wrong and should try to be better. A bit more understanding of the structural challenges we face would go a long way in helping us do that. My hood The area of Berlin, where I live…

  • Feminism Has a PR Problem

    Feminism Has a PR Problem


    Earlier this year YouGov ran an international poll on feminism. The shocking discovery was that in select Western democracies only about a third of people of all genders said they identify as feminists, ranging from 15% in Germany to 48% in Spain. Then, they took the dictionary definition of feminism and asked: do you think that men…

  • Want Gender Equality? Become a Men’s Ally

    Want Gender Equality? Become a Men’s Ally

    We talked a lot about the importance of becoming a women’s ally. As we look closely at masculinity, men also need you on their side. Help them in these 6 ways. A common strategy to inspire men to become better humans is to beat them until they mould into the desired shape. Somewhat oddly, it doesn’t…

  • The Favourite Pastime Of Progressives: Shooting at Allies

    The Favourite Pastime Of Progressives: Shooting at Allies


    What is life like in the camp of fairness, kindness, love and everything nice? Come join us, but get ready to jump. It’s a sunny day over our inclusive Progressive Camp. Soldiers from the Liberal, Feminist, and Vegan squadrons are joined by the Anticolonial and Totally Non-Toxic Men corps for training. A drill sergeant draws a…

  • End the Gender War by Finally Picking the Right Side

    End the Gender War by Finally Picking the Right Side


    Do you think that the gender war is fought between men and women? Think again, because it is time you choose your allegiance. Nobody wins the gender war — it only makes us all miserable. It certainly doesn’t bring us closer to equality — it only entrenches us in the roles of enemies. We need to stop the war…

  • The Dark Side of Gender Equality

    The Dark Side of Gender Equality

    Women have proven they’re capable of doing anything a man can do. Which turns out to not always be a good thing. I was brought up in a conservative, Catholic country and absorbed a whole lot of misogynist narratives. There were the usual suspects: boys don’t cry, girls can’t do maths, guys sleeping around is cool…

  • What is it like to date a feminist

    What is it like to date a feminist

    When I set off to write this text, I asked my partner what she considers to be the most feminist thing she does. She thought for a while, gave a couple of loose examples, and then got frustrated with me for wasting her time and left the room to do her own thing. To be…

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