Author: admin

  • What it is like to feel (K)enough

    What it is like to feel (K)enough


    Hey all, I’m branching out! I decided to try this video thing people are raving about. I’m still traveling, so can’t really do proper video essays, but then again, travels are educational and what better time to share what I learn than right here, right now. Today, I am feeling really enough. Kenough, even, like…

  • Madness Café Interview!

    Madness Café Interview!

    I am honoured to have been invited by Raquel Howard and Jennifer Moorman Bolanos to their great podcast, the Madness Café. It’s doubly important to me, as I’m one of only a few men to appear on it. We talk about a number of topics, including the problems men experience in the modern world, the…

  • Men’s Problems Are Real Problems

    Men’s Problems Are Real Problems

    There is a worrying trend of denying that the problems men struggle with exist or are important. Loneliness, sexual frustration, confusion over what is appropriate, pressures to conform, difficulties in dealing with emotions, are all routinely trivialised and dismissed. Doing so is not helpful and only creates more distrust, hurt feelings, and unwillingness to improve. We need to admit…

  • Guys, go see Barbie but watch Ken

    Guys, go see Barbie but watch Ken

    Everybody is raving about how woke and feminist the Barbie movie is and either loves it or hates it. I can see why, but I think few people pay enough attention to a very positive and powerful message it holds for men: You Are Kenough Yeah, I know the movie has been out for ages. What…

  • The Shades of Rejection: Friend-Zoning, Sex-Zoning, and So Much More

    The Shades of Rejection: Friend-Zoning, Sex-Zoning, and So Much More

    Rejection is more complex than you think, but thinking about it in a more nuanced way will help you process it better My Ex-Lover I used to have a great lover. She was hot, fiercely smart, and joyfully adventurous. This one time, we were horny on the way to a party, so another lover lent me…

  • How Do Men Stop Being Needed and Start Being Wanted

    How Do Men Stop Being Needed and Start Being Wanted

    Women no longer need men. If guys want to find a partner, they must focus on being wanted. But they also can’t desperately need women, as this only reverses the dynamic. Instead, we should seek balance and use becoming wanted as an opportunity to grow. Let’s start with a metaphor A few years ago I moved…

  • Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology

    Defuse Pointless Gender Arguments with the Power of Psychology

    You know how when somebody else is late, they’re a horrible person, but when you’re late, there’s always a good reason for it? The psychological mechanism behind that attitude is at the roots of many disagreements about gender. Fortunately, there are ways you can avoid it. Late, but useful I always find it endearing when psychologists…

  • Don’t Trust the Old Man’s Map, or What’s Up with Jordan Peterson?

    Don’t Trust the Old Man’s Map, or What’s Up with Jordan Peterson?

    Jordan Peterson describes the modern world as chaotic and claims to offer you a map that will help you safely navigate through it. But as the world changes, maps go out of date and lead you astray. And since the Chaos is not going away, it’s time you stop fearing it and learn to surf…

  • Do Guys Want Sex, or What?

    Do Guys Want Sex, or What?

    Can ancient philosophy help you deal with feeling unwanted, undesired and deeply sexually frustrated? Men crave validation, acceptance, and comfort, we want to feel wanted and visible. But the main way we have been taught to get all of that is through sex. That’s not always healthy or useful. We should follow Socrates’ advice and really…

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