Author: admin

  • Uncertainty


    It seems like more and more people are struggling in life and in relationships these days. We find it difficult to thrive and feel like everything is falling apart all the time. But what are the actual reasons behind this? And why does it seem to impact men so much more? There’s one word I…

  • The Manly Stuff You Don’t Like, Guys?

    The Manly Stuff You Don’t Like, Guys?

    There’s a whole list of things men are supposed to do, or be, or like and dislike, and so on. The stuff real men are into, that which they should never escape from, and that which they’d never do.  In some circles, you can fail to satisfy one of the points from the ‘manly’ list,…

  • Most Men Are Actually Pretty Nice People, Even On The Internet

    Most Men Are Actually Pretty Nice People, Even On The Internet

    How often to you hear that men are horrible, sexist, entitled, misogynist, and generally the worst of the worst? And men on the Internet? OMG, don’t even get me started, they are literally the cesspit of humanity spewing constant regressive hatred out of their tailpipes! Well, I’m here to lighten your day a little and…

  • Does Anybody Care About Men’s Problems?

    Does Anybody Care About Men’s Problems?

    Some men are suffering. Some are weak and can’t find their place in the modern world. Many need help. But is there anyone who actually wants to offer them help?  Recently, I decided to make a move away from writing and establish a presence on YouTube and various social media. This journey has been pretty…

  • Yes, Men Are Still Needed As Protectors

    Yes, Men Are Still Needed As Protectors


    In the past, I argued that the model of masculinity which requires men to protect and provide is outdated and defunct. I now think I was wrong. A better way to put this would be: what we should provide and protect from has changed. Moreover, it’s not just men who can or should be doing…

  • The Gender Sex Drive Gap And What To Do About It

    The Gender Sex Drive Gap And What To Do About It

    Are there innate gender differences which continue to determine our sex drives or is sex drive a social construct that can be changed as societies, cultures, and technologies change? As with all the nature-nurture debates, the answer is: yes. As in: both. D’uh. But there is some interesting science involved that you should hear about.…

  • Getting People on Board with Gender Equality

    Getting People on Board with Gender Equality


    All is not good in the world of gender equality. Around the globe, reactionary movements are gaining ground, misogynist influencers are topping online searches, and identity politics, feminism and gender studies are increasingly seen as tiresome, annoying, and out of touch. Whatever the proponents of equality are doing, it doesn’t work. Perhaps it did work…

  • The Same Tired Points, Again And Again

    The Same Tired Points, Again And Again


    I often have to make the same basic points in discussions. I’m putting them down here and in future, I’ll simply link to the relevant one. As I write a lot about gender, that’s the examples I’ll be giving, but the points are more generally applicable. Reading the whole thing in one go will sound…

  • The Real Reason Why ‘Nice Guys’ Finish Last

    The Real Reason Why ‘Nice Guys’ Finish Last

    People tend to conflate being nice with being a doormat. These are not the same and a solution to people treating you like a doormat is not to stop being nice. It’s to develop some healthy self-respect. A few months ago, I met this girl on Feeld. Normally, I’m not much for using dating apps…

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