Author: admin

  • Time for new men? Masculinity, male role models and the patriarchy

    Ever wondered why masculinity seems to be at the heart of so many societal conversations these days? In this episode, I joined two brilliant hosts to unpack the complex realities men face today—covering everything from the pressures of role modeling and how families shape our understanding of gender to the alarming statistics on male suicide…

  • The Hidden Agenda and Conservative Backlash

    The Hidden Agenda and Conservative Backlash


    As the US is now facing a conservative backlash with the implementation of Project 2025, you might be interested in a parallel initiative which has been underway in Europe over the last decade. If you just casually looked through the Vision Network website, you wouldn’t know that it’s a front for Europe’s largest ultra-conservative propaganda…

  • Fighting Conservative Backlash: What You Need To Know

    Fighting Conservative Backlash: What You Need To Know


    For decades, the liberals have been very successful in moving the world towards greater liberty, pluralism, and justice. Before the current conservative backlash we saw unprecedented gains for women, ethnic minorities, and LGBT+ people, enacting decolonial and environmental policies, demilitarisation, free trade, etc. But the tides are shifting and it looks like the conservatives around…

  • Does Europe Care About Men And Boys?

    Does Europe Care About Men And Boys?


    The most progressive countries in the world are beginning to talk about including men and boys in gender equality efforts. Happy International Men’s Day! Yesterday, I attended a seminar titled ‘Inclusion of men and boys in gender equality efforts’ organised by the five Permanent Representations of the Nordic countries to the Council of Europe. The event…

  • The Democrats Forgot That Men Are People, Too

    The Democrats Forgot That Men Are People, Too

    In 1986, Marie Shear famously wrote: “Feminism is the radical notion that women are people.” In 2024, the US Democratic Party should perhaps start entertaining the notion that men are people, too. Except this time ‘being people’ is not about having the same rights. It’s about having the same psychology. It’s about struggling, having flaws,…

  • The Masculinity Revolution and the New Man

    The Masculinity Revolution and the New Man

    If there is one thing that everyone in the gender war can agree on, it’s that masculinity is in crisis. But if what you want is gender peace, you should disagree. We live in a world of polarising caricatures In the left corner, the queer woke feminist corps is ready to cancel you for the…

  • The Seven Magic Words Which Will Make You A Great Lover

    The Seven Magic Words Which Will Make You A Great Lover

    You know that look women give you after sex. The ‘Was this for real?’ mixed with ‘How did you…’ and ‘Impossible…’ and ‘Did we just…’ and ‘I want more!’ Parted lips, still out of breath, hair all over the place, wide wild eyes looking at you like she didn’t quite believe you’re real… You know…

  • Godot, Toxic Wokeness, and What Sensible Progressives Should Do About It?

    Godot, Toxic Wokeness, and What Sensible Progressives Should Do About It?


    I’m not really deep in the gaming community but I’ve been following it a bit more closely since it became a violent culture war battlefield. When a good friend drew my attention to the recent Godot controversy saying I can expect some toxic wokeness there, I had to look at it. It is a great…

  • Guys, Watch Out: 4 Red Flags in Dating and Strategies to Handle Them

    Guys, Watch Out: 4 Red Flags in Dating and Strategies to Handle Them

    I’ve been pretty active and successful with relationships and dating and I can tell you one thing: plenty of women are not worth your time. Many are boring, others are entitled, and some have ‘double standards’ written all over them. Here is how to recognise them and what to do. We’ve all seen videos where some young…

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