Author: admin

  • Guys, Watch Out: 4 Red Flags in Dating and Strategies to Handle Them

    Guys, Watch Out: 4 Red Flags in Dating and Strategies to Handle Them

    I’ve been pretty active and successful with relationships and dating and I can tell you one thing: plenty of women are not worth your time. Many are boring, others are entitled, and some have ‘double standards’ written all over them. Here is how to recognise them and what to do. We’ve all seen videos where some young…

  • Two Silent Frustrations That Can Tear Relationships Apart

    Two Silent Frustrations That Can Tear Relationships Apart

    Is your relationship missing something? The hard truth about disconnected emotions and sexuality, and who should do something about it People often discuss how important emotional intelligence is to building and maintaining happy relationships. It’s totally true. Being able to realise, express and communicate own feelings, to really connect on the emotional level, is extremely powerful…

  • From Near-Death to New Life: A Tale of Love and Friendship

    From Near-Death to New Life: A Tale of Love and Friendship


    My 40th birthday party didn’t start the way I was hoping it to. It certainly didn’t end well— unless you really like hospitals. But I still had a fantastic time and ended feeling loved and cared for like never before. This is the story of how friendship is everything. When we turned 18, my one-week-senior…

  • The Risks and Rewards of Polyamory

    The Risks and Rewards of Polyamory

    Polyamory is a topic I haven’t been exploring in writing much so far, but Bill really wanted to talk to me about it. You can listen to the episode or read it all below. Bill Simpson: Hi, and welcome to the Men on the Path to Love podcast. Bonus episode: polyamory and ethical nonmonogamy in relationships, with Dr…

  • Three Character Traits Which Matter Most In Attracting Women

    Three Character Traits Which Matter Most In Attracting Women

    Dating and attracting women has undeniably become pretty hard these days. Particularly if you continue to rely on dating apps. But I see many guys complain about their dating woes yet fail at the three most fundamental things which make men attractive. No, it’s not LMS — looks, money or status. Like I said in the previous…

  • The Three Things Which Prevent Men From Attracting Women

    The Three Things Which Prevent Men From Attracting Women

    Are women’s standards too high these days? What is keeping guys from attracting women and keeping the relationships they want? How to turn your life around and stop worrying? Here is some advice from someone who has walked this path. Honestly, I’m a bit fed up with reading all this dating advice in which I…

  • Men’s True Stories — How One Feminist Helps Men Help Men

    Men’s True Stories — How One Feminist Helps Men Help Men

    I am now more active in the professional side of the gender discourse, getting into dialogue with people who work for NGOs and organisations which promote healthy masculinities and men’s stories. Honestly, it’s a world which makes me want to sing with joy. I’ll give you one example. Last week, I went to a webinar…

  • The Right Way To Think About ‘Body Counts’ Is About Courage

    The Right Way To Think About ‘Body Counts’ Is About Courage

    I wrote a text about this before. I still hate the phrase ‘body counts’ but I saw the replies and they made me think that I should approach the subject differently — with more understanding and guidance. Let’s talk about solutions and being better men. Let’s talk about courage. Let’s talk about what’s right for…

  • How to Tackle Toxic Masculinity

    How to Tackle Toxic Masculinity

    Moshe Weizman of Multi-O-Coaching wanted to talk to me about the complex topic of toxic masculinity, exploring its origins, manifestations, and social impact. We talk about how we can help men be their best selves and collectively dismantle harmful gender norms and cultivate healthier expressions of masculinity. Specifically, we explore how toxic masculinity is bad…

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